GORONTALO – in 2019 Universitas Negeri Gorontalo is helding the routin programme that is comunity service through college programme Kuliah Kerja Sibernas (KKS). On this programme will focused in implementation of the activitiy that obtained on research in environment.
“ The theme is the impementation of Hilirisasi of reserach on empowering the people that named KKS pengabdian Hilirisasi Riset ( The comunity service of Hilirisasi of research) “ stated by Prof. Dr. FentyPuluhulawa, S.H, M.Hum,.
Throught the theme, the idea is becoming an effort to implementing and training the result of researcher UNG in conducting the research in society and also involved the students. The expected implication in conducting KKS needs students’ creativity and it guidance with lecturers.
Prof. Fenty believed that at the end of the comunity service students can know how to use the information, experience and comprehension in developing awareness in rality of human life, and also how to increase personal responsibility and social toward people issue.
“ and the next is increasing the self awaareness on the role of social as academician in social environment”, she said.
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Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.