GORONTALO - The Faculty of Education (FIP) started lecturing classes for the even semester of the 2022-2023 academic year by organizing a studium generale. The keynote speaker for this studium generale was the Deputy for Youth Development, Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. H. M. Asrorun Ni'am Sholeh, MA,.
The theme for the studium generale was Indonesian Youth Development from the Perspective of Leadership, Pioneering, Entrepreneurship, and Partnerships as the Key to Success in Global Competition in the 5.0 Era. Hundreds of FIP students attended the lecture enthusiastically.
FIP Dean Dr. Arwildayanto, M.Pd, uttered that the studium generale was a program aiming to prepare students with some knowledge before starting even semester academic activities. Eventually, the dean expected the FIP students to be more prepared to welcome the lecture activities later.
Further, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Dr. Harto Malik, M.Hum., said students should be enlightened through valuable knowledge after attending the lecture. He added that the keynote speaker was a senior official from the Ministry of Youth and Sports of the Republic of Indonesia, who was capable of equipping and motivating students to develop leadership values and other resources in facing global competition 5.0.
"I strongly believe that having good leadership, pioneering and entrepreneurial knowledge will lead students to be ready to face global competition after graduation," he said
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