Gorontalo – The announcement of the result SBNPTN is speeding up on 22nd March of 2019. The making up the schedule is informed by Lembaga Test Perguruan tinggi (LTMPT) as the person in charge of SNMPTN.
Wahidun Usulu, S.Pd, as public relation thought that SNMPTN UNG the schedule change because the process selection of SNMPTN can speed up, therefore UNG can give a chance to the students who not pass SNMPTN, so they can participate in UTBK (Written test of Computer-based) 1st session.
Based on the information been mention by LTMPT, the announcement SNMPTN is speeding up nationally 22nd of March 2019 at 16.00 WIB, he said.
Wahidun explained that on the early information that the announcement will announce on 23rd of march 2019.” But the decision was made by a consideration that giving the chance to UTBK 1st session to the student who not pass SNMPTN.
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.