GORONTALO - Coordination meetings are held by the student and alumni affairs-related working unit to prepare work programs for 2023. The meeting involves all vice deans for academic and student affairs, academic, student affairs and planning bureau, and Student Career Development Center (UPT PKM).
In his remarks, UNG Rector Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, M.T. expressed that the coordination meeting was an important agenda for the academic and student affairs fields in welcoming the 2023 work program.
"In this opportunity, I strongly hope that all academic and student affairs officials will prepare strategies and steps to achieve the upcoming year’s goals. We should take advantage of this coordination meeting to create output that will support the achievement of UNG's vision to be excellent and competitive," said the Rector.
The Rector hopes that in addition to preparing the work program, coordination meeting participants can review and identify the obstacles encountered during the previous year’s work programs.
"So that we all hope that the academic and student affairs-related working unit can find solutions for these obstacles. As a result, the achievement of this year's program can be realized optimally," he explained. (**)
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