GORONTALO - As the 2024 National Selection for New Student Admissions (SNPMB) kicks off, Universitas Negeri Gorontalo starts to intensively carry out massive outreach to the community regarding new student admission. To disseminate information to schools, UNG specifically held outreach and promotion for the 2024 State University SNPMB on Thursday (11/1), in the TC Damhil UNG Ballroom.
This event involved all school principals and operators of Senior High Schools (SMA/SMK/MA) or equivalent through outreach activities attended by UNG Rector Prof. Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT., who is also the Deputy Chair II of the SNPMB Team.
In his speech, the Rector said the outreach was crucial to provide a detailed understanding of new student registration procedures. Moreover, in student registration, especially the achievement pathway, the school has a big role in determining the system’s participation in the 2024 National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) pathway.
"The community must fully understand the 2024 new student registration procedures, especially students and schools. Don’t let a lack of understanding about SNPMB result in the opportunity to continue your education at higher education being wasted," concluded the Rector.
After participating in the outreach and promotion, the Rector reminded the school to take an important role by helping, developing and directing students to participate in new student registration in 2024.
Meanwhile, the head of the Academic, Student Affairs and Planning Bureau, Zumriyati Mohamad, M.Pd., explained that outreach and promotion brought together 174 schools consisting of school principals and operators. She hoped that by providing detailed information to the school, it could be passed on to students so that they could understand the stages of SNPMB, both the National Achievement-Based Selection (SNBP) and the Computer-Based Written Examination - National Test-Based Selection (UTBK-SNBT) 2024. (**)
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