Training Center (TC) Damhil held a Joint Iftar with fatherless children in Gorontalo province, Damhil client and academic community of State University of Gorontalo on Sunday (06/19) at Ballroom of TC Damhil. To cheer up this event, TC Damhil invited three artists such as Sezha Idris, Ayu Pratiwi and Sony Septian.
It was 2015, approximately in Ramadhan 1436 Hijriyah Rector of State University of Gorontalo Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd had done MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) with representative of PT Madifa, Fredy Ali to organize TC Damhil UNG that was coincide with Joint Iftar in lobby room of training center Damhil UNG. In one year within Fredy Ali’s management, TC Damhil proves a rapid growing.
Rector UNG, Prof. Dr. Syamsu Q Badu, M.Pd said that TC Damhil UNG has an extraordinary development which ge said “Indeed, this is not apart from the role of societies who always use TC Damhil”. “Academic community of State University of Gorontalo will continuously support TC Damhil UNG. (San)
Apel dalam rangkaian peringatan hari lahir UNG
Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.