GORONTALO – The Universitas Negeri Gorontalo Library held a National Webinar with the theme, the contribution of the UNG library in building a multicultural state in Gorontalo Province.
Head of UNG Library Dr. Ismet Sulila, M.Ap, said that the webinar was a form of concern from the library, in inviting the public, especially students, to strengthen multiculturalism in Gorontalo Province.
“As the younger generation, students must be able to play an active role in strengthening multiculturalism. To be able to take on this role, students need to be given an understanding, one of which is through this webinar,” Ismet said.
Meanwhile, the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Amir Arham, M.E, in his speech said that through multicultural education, the young generation, which is the forerunner of the next generation, must be able to foster a sense of tolerance in the midst of a diverse society. (**)
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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