Rector Notifies the Achievements of UNG Throughout 2022

Oleh: Pebriansah . January 2, 2023 . 10:56:53

GORONTALO - During 2022, the academic community of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo has been blessed with various extraordinary achievements. The Rector, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT, specifically addressed the achievements through an annual report in front of print and electronic media.

According to the Rector, amid poly-crisis (simultaneous crisis) due to the covid-19 pandemic, UNG's social capital in the form of resilience-leadership has enabled UNG to survive, even in some ways was quite encouraging. One of them was in the academic field, where the acceleration to develop UNG's reputation at the national and international levels through increasing the accreditation of study programs was held.

"Until 2022, 7 study programs have been accredited with excellent grades. Apart from that, five excellent study programs at UNG have carried out international accreditation stages by the International Accreditation Body, the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation (FIBAA)," said the Rector.

Meanwhile, in the field of student and alumni affairs, said the Rector, various achievements have been made by students, including in the academic, sports and arts fields, such as at the National Student Sports Week (POMNas) and National Student Arts Week (Peksiminas).

"Overall, there were five achievements made by students at the international level, 237 achievements at the national level and 70 at the regional level," he explained.

Additionally, the achievement of quality in research and community service has also experienced significant growth, starting from issuing HAKI (Intellectual Property Rights) certificates for lecturers who have achieved more than 200 certificates to achieving the 58th rank at SINTA Dikti.

"Currently, there are 9 Sinta 2 indexed publications, 8 for Quartile 1 and 59 for Scopus indexed publications as well as various other national and international journal publications," he added.

In terms of HR reputation, lecturers guide many outstanding students who already have professional certificates, produce certified monumental works and have off-campus contributions. It details that 694 lecturers guide outstanding students through off-campus activities, 490 lecturers with doctoral qualifications and lecturers with international and national professional certification and 1181 patents, intellectual property rights, journals, books, works of art, and monumental literary works.

"The success in 2022 was more complete with the UNG partnership, which has been recognized by the Ministry, and being granted awards in the cooperation sub-category at the 2022 Diktiristek award," he concluded.



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