GORONTALO – The election of the President and Vice President of the Student Executive Board (BEM) of Universitas Negeri Gorontalo in 2022 has been completed. Based on the results of calculations conducted by the Pilbem Direct Election Commission (KPL), candidate number 3 Dea Rahmawaty Hasan and Moh Rizki Budikusuma won the most votes.
The representative of Faculty of Economics and Faculty of Sports and Health received a total of 6,533 votes, outperforming candidate number two of Faculty of Education and Faculty of Agriculture: Ivdal Ruliyanto Abudi and Jasmin Dalanggo with 5,101 votes and the number one candidate: Moh. Fajri Langgene and Moh. Alwi Kakoe represented Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and Faculty of Letter and Culture with 1,701 votes.
"The number of voters in the 2022 BEM Presidential Election reached 13,375 votes, out of the total number of voters, there are 40 votes of abstention," said the Chairman of KPL, Aldimas.
He stated that the filing period of the lawsuit would be done right after the determination of votes obtained by the KPL as the next stage. Each candidate is given the right to file a lawsuit for the results that have been determined by the KPL.
Meanwhile, the Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni, Prof. Karmila Mahmud, MA, Ph.D gave her appreciation to KPL and all supporting parties in succeeding the Presidential Election in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo.
"This success cannot be separated from the commitment of KPL, other committees, and students who have actively participated in the voting," concluded Karmila. (**)
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