GORONTALO – To optimize the role of student organizations to improve organizational performance, the Student Affairs and Alumni Division provides strengthening of student organizations on campus.
The strengthening of student organizations was attended by organizations at the university level to faculties such as the Student Executive Board, Student Work Units, Special Activities Units and the Student Senate at the faculty level to Department Student Organizations.
Head of the Academic, Student Affairs and Planning Bureau, Zumriyati Muhammad, M.Pd, said that strengthening student organizations was a strategic step, which was carried out to equip student organization administrators so that they could run the organization through performance and achievements.
"With the good performance of student organizations manifested in the form of achievements, it will be very important in supporting the existence of UNG," said Zumriyati.
Vice Rector for Student Affairs and Alumni Dr. Mohammad Amir Arham, M.E, said that as a partner of UNG, student organizations are an important part of supporting the realization of the campus vision, mission and work programs through the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) and accreditation.
“The achievement of IKU and the target of UNG's excellence accreditation certainly cannot be separated from the support of student organizations. What can student organizations do? namely by optimizing organizational performance which is realized by achieving achievements at national and international levels," said Amir.
Amir hopes that the student organization administrators can prepare their work programs in accordance with the directions and policies set by the university leaders. "There is no need for too many work programs planned, but they can touch or even solve problems that are the main target of UNG in the future," he concluded. (**)
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