GORONTALO –462 PPG UNG graduates have officially held the title of professional teacher, ready to serve as front guards in producing excellent human resources. However, UNG Rector Prof. Dr. Eduart Wolok, S.T., M.T., advised that as an educator, passing PPG education should not be the end of learning.
"When faced with globalization with such wide access, one of the teachers’ demands is to continue updating and upgrading abilities. "This way marks a person's way of responding to current developments," said the Rector.
According to the Rector, who is also the Chairman of the Gorontalo Province Republic of Indonesia Teachers Association (PGRI), the function of teachers has been shifted, and teachers are now encouraged to explore students’ potential at school. So, the teacher’s function as a facilitator has increased. The teacher does not always have to stand in front of the class as the person who knows best.
"Nowadays, teachers must play a role in creating a pleasant learning atmosphere so that students feel comfortable and their potential can be better explored and exposed," explained the Rector.
By becoming a professional teacher, the learning process in school must improve, too. The Rector also advised UNG graduates always to love their work as teachers and make it a matter of pride.
“Being a teacher is a choice whose work will continue ceaselessly. So, not loving and enjoying your work will only burden you. "For this reason, love your duty as a teacher, make this work our charity to prepare the best Indonesian young generation," concluded the Rector. (**)
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