GORONTALO - 437 student from 57 best universities in Indonesia will participate in the 2017 Kuliah Kerja Nyata (KKN) Kebangsaan program at Gorontalo State University. This KKN Kebangsaan, launched by Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Prof. H. Mohamad Nasir, Ph.D., Ak. Thursday (20/7), at the UNG Auditorium.
KKN Kebangsaan in 2017 has a theme of Knitting the national rope through the implementation of environmental conservation program in support of food empowerment based sovereignty. "There are 60 Villages in Bone Bolango Regency which become the location of student service, for approximately 1 month from July 22 until August 21, 2017," said Rector UNG. Prof. Dr. Syamsu Qamar Badu, M.Pd ,.
Syamsu also said that this KKN Kebangsaan has purpose of knitting the rope togetherness and strengthen the unitary state of the Indonesian republic. "Give your best ability to the people of Bone Bolango District, show that you are the best students, who can help them encourage the development of the village and the community," he hoped.
Vice Governor of Gorontalo, Idris Rahim, appreciates UNG taking a strategic step to host KKN Kebangsaan in 2017. Idris said that KKN Kebangsaan is not only an important instrument to encourage the progress of the village and society, but also the instrument of nation character forming and unifying the vision of Indonesia and diversity.
"Gorontalo has been chosen of this KKN Kebangsaan activity that will give impact not only shape the nation character, but also give economic impact turnover with the presence of hundreds of students in Gorontalo," said Idris.
Meanwhile, Minister of Research and Technology Mohamad Nasir, said KKN Kebangsaan in Gorontalo is the third KKN Kebangsaan that has been held by Kemenristekdikti. The participants of KKN Kebangsaan are expected to provide solutions to the problems that exist in the community. The activities are more emphasized on the cultivation of creative thinking skills, and the critical and problem solving skills of the participants. In addition, according to Nasir many technology and innovations of college works can be applied by students participating KKN Kebangsaan for the community.
"This will be very useful in the future with the establishment of a network of partnerships between students in Indonesia so that later can become a good leader, professional in the field, and continue to knit the sense of nationality, love the homeland, and understand and live Bhinneka Tunggal Ika in the NKRI intact and sturdy, "explains Nasir
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