GORONTALO – A total of 42 students of the Medical Study Program completed a program at the Faculty of Medicine (FK) UNG. Before graduation, these 42 best students attended a judicium procession on Thursday (18/1), in the FK UNG Hall.
The judicium was led directly by the Dean of FK Dr. Dr. Cecy Rahma Karim, Sp.GK, accompanied by the Vice Dean for Finance and General Affairs, Dr. Zuhriana K. Yusuf, M.Kes., Medical Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Nanang Roswita Paramata, M.Kes., Medical Professional Education Study Program Coordinator, Dr. Sri Andriani Ibrahim, M.Kes., along with lecturers and educational staff of FK UNG.
Dean of FK Dr. Dr. Cecy Rahma Karim, Sp.GK, admitted that she was over the moon with the completion of this program of 42 students in the Medical Study Program. Cecy said this joyful moment should be celebrated as the result of hard work and perseverance in pursuing an education in medicine.
"This judicium marks an important milestone for UNG Medical graduates after pursuing the degree to step into the future benefited from knowledge gained and a dedicated spirit in the medical world," said Cecy.
On this occasion, Cecy also advised the newly appointed medical graduates to continue learning and hone themselves to improve their competence and knowledge. Apart from that, in carrying out professional duties, they can provide services to patients sincerely and seriously.
"Professional education is a moment to implement all the knowledge gained in the undergraduate program. You now have a big responsibility to continue your service," said Ceci. (**)
A joint ceremony to commemorate UNG's birthday
The UNG prayer activity was held at 19.15 WITA.