UNG- Strengthening the pillar of acceleration, State University of Gorontalo renews cooperation with Local Government of Bone Bolango and one of the popular universities in Japan, Ehime University. This has been discussed in the coordination meeting of cooperation among the three parties on Wednesday (15/6). The coordination meeting held in the office of Vice Rector IV attended by Vice Rector IV Cooperation field Prof. Dr. HasanuddinFatsah, M.Hum, The head of UPT cooperation and international service, Imran Rosman Hambali, S.Pd, SE., MSA as well as some working units of Local Government of Bone Bolango.
The scope of the cooperation plan will include several sectors such as agriculture, livestock, education, human resource development, life environment, health and tourism as well as Geopark in Bone Bolango. This has been stated by Vice Rector IV Cooperation field Prof. Dr. Hasanuddin Fatsah, M.Hum. Prof Hasan explains that Gorontalo State University will renew the MoU with Ehime University party. “We will renew the MoU with Ehimee University. Whereas Prof. Sakakibara as the representative of Ehimee University will directly come to Gorontalo State University to follow-up the cooperation discussion among Gorontalo State University, Local Government of Bone Bolango, and Ehimee University,” said Prof. Hasanuddin.
Held by Faculty of Education Universitas Negeri Gorontalo and supported by ten universities as co-hosts and an organisation.
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