GORONTALO – The Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA), Universitas Negeri Gorontalo administered a Work Meeting (Raker) on Saturday (11/02). The theme of meeting involving faculty to the study program leaders was “Creating Synergy and Innovation to Transform FMIPA to be Excellent and Competitive”
According to the Dean of FMIPA Prof. Dr. Astin Lukum, M.Si, synergy and innovation were key elements in supporting the development and progress of the faculty through achieving Key Performance Indicators (IKU). It was since, KPI was one of the benchmarks for increasing the capacity of universities and faculties.
"FMIPA has contributed the highest KPIs at UNG. Hence, as the KPIs being supplied to the university increases, it takes a lot of energy to make UNG excellent and competitive," she said.
In his remarks, the UNG Rector, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT, appreciated the contributions made by FMIPA to the progress of UNG. Nowadays, FMIPA, said the Rector, was an exemplary for other faculties to move and develop.
"If the FMIPA transformation goes well, is successful and smooth, it will be a capital for UNG to carry out the transformation for future institutional progress," said the Rector. (**)
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