In the registration of new students on the National Selection for State University Entrance (SNMPTN) 2022, the number of applicants to enter UNG has increased to 7,232 applicants. For the selection of this pathway, the Bachelor of Elementary School Teacher Education Study Program (PGSD) is the favorite study program among prospective new students, this is shown by the large number of applicants who choose the study program for the first choice or second choice in the 2022 SNMPTN.
"PGSD is the favorite study program for SNMPTN UNG with a total number of 728 applicants, even though the capacity for new students is only 85 seats," Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Dr. Harto Malik, M. Hum,. Harto said.
Harto revealed that the second favorite study program at UNG in SNMPTN after PGSD was the Bachelor of Management Study Program with the number of applicants reaching 680 applicants with a capacity of 70 new student seats. Meanwhile, the third favorite study program among prospective UNG new students is the Bachelor of Nursing study program, where the total registrants reached 676 people with a capacity of only 45 new student seats.
“The high interest of prospective new students indicates that the competition in PGSD, management and nursing study programs is very high. This competition is expected to have a positive impact on the students themselves and the study program, because of course the prospective students will compete to be the best to be accepted into the study program, " Harto explained.
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