GORONTALO – The Gorontalo Finance and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) paid a visit to Universitas Negeri Gorontalo as a form of institutional visit through a series of BPKP Goes to Campus program with university students.
BPKP Goes to Campus was greeted enthusiastically by hundreds of UNG students and other tertiary institutions. This informative activity presented talk show and public lecture presenting experts from BPKP, as well as a mini expo presenting promotional media related to BPKP’s role in developing the country.
Head of BPKP of Gorontalo Heru Tarsila, SE, Akt., CA, CGCAE, revealed that BPKP Goes to Campus was a forum to provide additional insight into the role and contribution of BPKP in higher education institutions in Gorontalo Province. Also, it aimed at enhancing awareness and interaction of policy makers in higher education, especially academics regarding the value and contribution of BPKP.
"This is expected to be a medium for increasing stakeholder engagement and trust in the field of education towards the duties and functions of BPKP in overseeing the accountability of national development and state finances," he hoped.
Vice-Rector for General and Finance Affairs Dr. Yuniarti Koniyo, M.P., appreciated the talk show and public lecture held in the BPKP Goes to Campus series. According to her, this activity benefited lecturers and students since much information and knowledge was shared related to financial and development supervision from BPKP experts.
"In addition to obtaining additional knowledge, public lectures from BPKP will also increase IKU (KPI) 4 of UNG in the form of giving lectures by lecturers from BPKP’s financial practitioners," said Yuniarti. (**)
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Kegiatan UNG bersholawat dilaksanakan pukul 19.15 WITA.