GORONTALO - The inauguration of new boards of Student Organization (Ormawa) within the Faculty of Education (FIP) for term 2024 held on Monday (26/2), at the UNG Budaya Building. The inauguration includes the Chair and management of the student senate at faculty level, student association at study program level, and the Nature Enthusiasts Organization.
Dean of FIP Prof. Dr. Arwildayanto, M.Pd., congratulated the appointed boards and asked them to perform the duties and functions of the organization as well as possible.
"The 13 newly appointed boards must work optimally for the next 10 months, to implement the work program that has been jointly planned," said Arwildayanto.
Meanwhile, Vice Rector for Student and Alumni Affairs, Prof. Dr. Muhamad Amir Arham, M.E., encouraged the boards members to carry out work programs that could raise the institution's reputation. He also advised activities carried out could have a positive impact on the faculty and university.
"The positive impact, for instance, is student achievement in various fields. The achievements are significant in supporting the achievement of main performance indicators as a manifestation of the university's existence," concluded Amir.
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