GORONTALO – Gorontalo State University received appreciation from the Gorontalo Tax Service Office (KPP), as one of the best institutions in tax management in Gorontalo Province. The award as a government agency taxpayer who pays the second largest tax payer in 2021 was received directly by the Vice Rector for General Affairs and Finance, Dr. Yuniarty Koniyo, MP, at the Tax Gathering held by KPP Pratama Gorontalo, Thursday (9/6).
According to Yuniarti, being a government agency with the largest tax contributor is UNG's commitment to contribute to national development by increasing state revenues through tax revenues.
"By paying taxes on time according to the amount and regulations that have been determined, it will help the country's economic development," Yuniarti said.
The award given, said Yuniarti, will be very important as a form of appreciation to motivate and encourage UNG to be better in managing institutional taxes. The award is also a reflection of the good financial governance system at UNG, especially in paying taxes to the State.
“Despite having received the award, UNG remains committed to continuing to improve the quality of financial management, especially in tax payments. Hopefully these efforts can be realized by increasing the ranking in the following year, "she concluded. (**)
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