Gorontalo – The subject of public health in Universitas Negeri Gorontalo taken the vow to all the alumni, Monday, 4 of January, in Graha Mufida. The processing of vow was represented by the vice of head faculty Risna Podungge, S.Ps, M.Pd and it is seen by the secretary of IAKMI province of Gorontalo Dr.Irwan, SKM, M.Kes.
Head of the programme study Dr Sunarto Kadir, M.Kes, stated that the alumni which accompanied the processing of vow were 39 peoples that all of the alumni been considered and up to standard as a public health specialist.
“ The vow is the stage that marked the alumnus is official as public health and ready to dedicate to people,” stated by Sunarto.
Vice of dean Risna Podungge, S.Pd, M.Pd, hoped for the alumni are ready to challenge when they are mingled with the people, ready to dedicate what knowledge has been masted along in University and get to know what is important for wide people.
Your knowledge is very important to the peoples, in particular, related to health. Use your knowledge and qualification to supporting the government’s programme on increasing people aware of how important health is,” Risna said.
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