GORONTALO – The academic year 2021-2022 marks the 25 years of the Gorontalo State University Damhil Kindergarten in educating children. At this mature age, Damhil Kindergarten under the supervision of Dharma Wanita Persatuan UNG continues to consistently produce outstanding children.
This form of consistency was shown by the graduation of 75 students from the class of 25th Damhil DWP UNG Kindergarten, which was celebrated with a farewell and a graduation ceremony attended by the Rector of UNG, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST., MT.
Principal of TK Damhil DWP UNG Hasni Mohamad, S.Pd, M.Pd, Kons. reported that class of 25th were considered to have very satisfactory academic and non-academic abilities. These results can be obtained because of the support and guidance from teachers and parents during their education at Damhil Kindergarten.
"Good collaboration and cooperation between teachers at school and the role of parents at home are able to guide students to be able to develop satisfying academic and non-academic abilities," Hasni said.
Hasni hopes that the good collaboration between teachers and parents can continue to the next level of education, because this collaboration can have a positive impact on students' academic and non-academic abilities.
"The collaboration between these two important elements should not only end in kindergarten, but can also continue to be applied to children at the next education level and even later in college," she hoped.
Meanwhile, the Rector of UNG, Dr. Ir. Eduart Wolok, ST, MT also congratulated the success of teachers and parents, who succeeded in bringing students to graduate with satisfactory knowledge.
"Congratulations to the teachers and parents for successfully taking their children through one stage of education," Eduart said.
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